Friday, 27 June 2014



TIME LINE:- From 1st Jan 1991 to 30th May 2014 (Daily)

BSE STOCK DATA PLOT-1991 to 2013
MODELS APPLIED:- Linear Models (Additive and Multiplicative), ARIMA, ARFIMA, Means Forecast, Structural Time Series Model, Neural Network, Theta Method, BATS Model, TBATS Model, Cubic Smoothing Spline, Exponential Smoothing Methods (ETS, SES, HOLT, HW, HOLT-WINTERS), Random Walk Forest, Taylor’s Double-Seasonal Holt-Winters method, Croston’s method, Autoregressive type in ARIMA, Fractionally Differenced Model, Decomposition Method

BEST MODEL FOR THIS DATA SET:- Structural Time Series Model
                    ME      RMSE       MAE        MPE        MAPE         MASE
Training set 0.1030015 0.9981864 0.6472353 0.00107493 0.008944645 0.0001156132 

## Time Series Analysis
## Import Data Set
## Rememeber to susbstitute "/" in the place of "\" for Windows users
>stock1<-read.table("C:/Users/Sri Krishna/Downloads/Desktop/EBAC/Blog/stock.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",")

## Check for Missing Values
## Total No. of Missing Values
>No.OfMissingValues<-if(sum( > 0) {...}

##Package Name:- "FORECAST" for Time Series forecasting using ARIMA, ETS etc.

## Convert Data Set into Time Series Format
##Starting from 1991 at frequency of 12(monthly data per year) with increment of 1 year


## Replace Missing Values and Outliers if any
## Use iterate only when dataset is NOT Seasonal- Check Seasonality plot shown below
##Use Lambda for Box Cox transformations


## ALSO Replace Missing values using linear interpolation for non-seasonal series and periodic structural decomposition using seasonal series

##Plot subset of a time series
##Plot for a month of March


## PLOTS- Time Series, ACF(Autocorrelation), PACF(Partial AutoCorrelation)

## The Plot shows that ACF is decaying and PACF is cutting-offf. Hence it is AutoRegressive potion of ARIMA model
## The Stock follows a trend, Non-Stationary,randomn/ irregular seasonal pattern with minimal cyclicity

## Seasonal Plots
>seasonplot(stock,col=rainbow(12),year.labels=TRUE,season.labels=TRUE,ylab="Closing Price",xlab="MONTH")

## Multiple seasonal periods

##Multiple seasons are not present in our dataset
## Fit a Linear Model with Time Series componenets of Trend and Seasonality
## use Additive if data set has CONSTANT seasonality Variation
## Use Multiplicative if data set has INCREASING or DECREASING Seasonality variation


##Forecast for next 24 months
## Plot the forecast with 80% and 95% confidence interval

## Residual graph is not stationary, Hence this may not be acceptable.
## Multiplicative is better than Additive for our dataset
##Accuracy Tests


## Forecast using Means for next 24 months

## Not Suitable for our dataset
##Accuracy Test


## NAIVE models can be used for random walk data (ARIMA (0,1,0) or for random walk data with seasonality (ARIMA(0,0,0)(0,1,0)m))
## NAIVE models cannot be used in our scenario

## Using Neural Networks for Forecasting for next 24 months
##Feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer and lagged inputs for forecasting univariate time series
## NN model is suitable only for AR models. Eg. ARIMA (p,0,0)(P,0,0)- But not for Moving Average models
## Our Dataset is basically AR portion- Check ACF and PACF graphs above


##Accuracy test

## THETA Method Forecastfor next 24 months - Equivalent to simple exponential smoothing with drift

##Accuracy Test

##TBATS model (Exponential smoothing state space model with Box-Cox transformation, ARMA errors, Trend and Seasonal components)

##Extract the level, slope and Seasonal componenets

##Accuracy Test

##Cubic Smoothing Spline Forecasting for next 24 months
## Suitable fpor Moving Average Model Data Sets - equivalent to ARIMA(0,2,2)


##Accuracy test

## Three more Exponenetial Smoothening Forecasts for next 24 months
## SES Type



##HOLT Type

##HW Type - Multiplicative Seasonal  (Additive ca aslo be used based on dataset)
>stock.forecastsHW<-hw(stock, h=24, seasonal="multiplicative")

## Forecasts using SEASONAL DUMMY VARIABLES using dummy variables and fourier series
## This can be used for ARIMA, LM or TSLM
##In our case we will be using TSLM

##Create new seasonal dummy variables
## Last month December is taken for control group

## Residual plot

## Forecast for next 24 months

##Accuracy test
##Now lets use Fourier Transforms with 3 maximum order of fourier terms

## Similar above syntax can be used for Seasonal Dummy variables above also
##Accuracy Test

## Random Walk Forecast with drift model for next 24 months
>stock.forecastRandomWalk<-rwf(stock,h=24,drift=TRUE, lambda=TRUE)

##Forecast Using STRUCTURAL TIMESERIES MODELS for next 24 months

##Accuracy test

## Forecast for next 24 months using HOLT-WINTERS method

##Accuracy Test

##Exponential smoothing state space model (ETS)

##Log Likelihood to check validity and accuracy of the model

##Simulate for next 24 months in Detail

##Accuracy Test

##Taylor’s Double-Seasonal Holt-Winters method to forecast for next 24 months
##NOT possible for our dataset as it doen not have multiple seasonal components

##Forecasts for intermittent demand using Croston’s method - Simple Exponenetial Smoothing


## Residual graph is not stationary, Hence not a propoer model for fit
##Accuracy test


## Autoregressive type in ARIMA for forecasting for next 24 months

##Simulate for next 24 months in Detail
##Accuracy Test


##BATS model (Exponential smoothing state space model with Box-Cox transformation, ARMA errors, Trend and Seasonal components)
##Accuracy Test

## No. of Differences required to convert Non-Stationary Series into Stationary Series
## Estimate No. of First Differences- 95% confidence interval and max difference allowable is 2

## Answer is 1, Hence only 1 differencing is required for stationarity
## Estimate No. of Seasonal Differences

>nsdiffs(stock, m=frequency(stock), test=c("ocsb","ch"), max.D=2)
## Answer is 0, Hence NO seasonal differencing required
##To Find best possible ARIMA model-Returns best ARIMA model according to either AIC, AIC or BIC value


## Return the ORDER for ARIMA or ARFIMA model

##Best best model has a order of (0,1,0)
##Fit ARIMA (0,1,0)


##Simulate for next 24 months in Detail
##Returns one-step forecasts for the data used in fitting the ARIMA model

##One can check the residuals and MSE using original data and fitted data


## MSE is very high;, Suitable model to be selected to reduce it
##Accuracy Test


##Fit a fractionally differenced ARFIMA model

##Residuals are not stationary using Fracdiff Model

##Accuracy test

##Decompopsiton Method

##Return Seasonal adjusted data by removing seasonal component

##MOving Average at order of 12 months